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Title: Facoidal Gneiss - Brazil
Author: Castro, Nuria Fernández
Mansur, Kátia Leite
Frascá, Maria Heloisa Barros de Oliveira
Del Lama, Eliane Aparecida
Keywords: Heritage Stones
Date of Public.: 2024
Publisher: International Union of Geological Sciences
Citation: CASTRO, N.F.; MANSUR, K.L.; FRASC´, M.H.B.O.; DEL LAMA, E.A. Facoidal Gneiss - Brazil. In: EHLING, A. (ed.) et al. The First 55 IUGS Heritage Stones. IUGS: Beijing, 2024.
ISBN: 978-3-00-079360-8
Appears in Collections:Capítulo de Livro

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