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Title: Palladiferous placer gold from the Paraíba do Sul River in norther Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) and its geological implications
Author: Rocha, Flávio França Nunes da
Cabral, Alexandre Raphael
Lohmeier, Sthephanie Gertrud
Tupinambá, Miguel
Bertolino, Luiz Carlos
Keywords: Ouro aluvial
Ouro palladífero
Rio Paraíba do Sul
Palladiferous gold
Alluvial gold
Illegal mining
Mineração ilegal
Rio de Janeiro
Date of Public.: 2022
Publisher: Applied Earth Science, Transactions of the Institutions of Mining and Metallurgy B, 2022.
ISSN: 1743-2758
Appears in Collections:Artigos de Periódicos

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